Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Taliban gets a surprise.

At last week's UN Security Council Meeting, it was necessary to come to a solid conclusion in response to the Taliban crisis. One of our media members already knew that the attack was going to occur, but kept quiet to her other media members. She was therefore, unfortunately, fired (but now that's alright because she can pursue her career in cabaret singing). The members of the UN Security Council played off the attack very covertly. All of their pretense of negotiation, and even inner conflicts (between hardheaded Israel and every other country) payed off when news of the disarmament of the Taliban-controlled nuclear arsenals spread. Pakistan promptly stood up during the meeting with breaking news: The disarmament was made possible by "distracting the Taliban watching the UN Security Council meeting. Teams were dropped from helicopters flying over." They cut off Taliban's communications in order to cause panic within the facilities. 50 men from Russia and China participated in this attack. As the disarmament was almost completed, China directly stated to the Taliban representative, "we are more prepared than you to destroy your forces at the facilities and have backup." Congratulations to the UN Security Council for saving us all! The plan was indubitably well-executed and thoroughly thought-out. The only downside to it is the suffering the people of Pakistan will have to endure as well as its surrounding nations due to the radiation. A little sacrifice for a greater cause.

Written by Cinnamon Frost

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George Economou
Assignment 1:
1. What is your country’s governmental system? Provide a definition.

A single party socialist republic. A state organized according to principles as a workers’ state.

2. List 5 important events in your countries history since 1914.
1949, Dec.: Mao Zedong travels to Moscow to negotiate a friendship treaty with Joseph Stalin.
1950-1955: Mao favors pro-natalistic population policy.1953-
1957: 1. Five Year Plan focusing on Soviet-style development of heavy industries.
1957-1958: "Anti-Rightist" Campaign is used by Mao to eliminate critical intellectuals
1958-1961: Utopian ideas for transforming the family, marriage, and children's education ("new human being").

3. What is your countries economic system?
A planned economy.

4. List your country’s five largest trading partners?

U.S., Japan, South Korea, Germany and Taiwan.

5.What is the monetary size of your domestic and foreign debt?

15.7 percent domestic debt.

6. To Which country does your country owe the most money to?

The U.S.

7. What is the numerical size of your countries standing and reserve armed forces?

Around 700,000,000

8. Are you a Nuclear power?

Yes China is a nuclear power.

9. List your countries most important cultural values?

Buddhism is a main religion in China. In Buddhism a main value is to achieve nirvana by living at peace.

10. To what extent, if any, does your government control media and culture?

The government controls the media. In Tiananmen Square there was a nation wide incident that made the government look weak and the government does not allow that example ever be seen.

11. List your countries most important resources?

Electrical and other machinery, including data processing equipment, apparel, textiles, iron and steel, optical and medical equipment.

12. List the important resources your country is lacking?

Electrical and other machinery, oil and mineral fuels, optical and medical equipment, metal ores, plastics, organic chemicals.

13. What is your country’s population?

1,338,612,968 people.

14. What is your country’s main religion? What percentage of the people is it?

Buddhism. 90 percent.

15. List other religions?

Christianity and Muslim. Also Taoism and Confucianism.

16. What is your governments policy towards religion and state?

They are separate.

Assignment 2:
1. List 5 Historical ties since 1914 between your country and two others on this assignment.

Persian Gulf War (90-91)

2003 Iraq conflict (2003)

A treaty with America (Still)

Britain declaring war on Germany (1914)

Battle of the Somme (1916)

2. Has your country fought in any significant wars since 1914?

Persian Gulf wars.War on Terror.World War 1 and 2.

3. Does your country have any religious disagreements with other countries?

No. England has no religious disagreements. They do not have the same religion but there is no fighting over it.

4. Historically has the relationship of your country and an others in the sim been amicable-hostile-neutral?

Yes. Britain and China fought the Opium Wars against each other. Also Britain against Germany with France because they fought against them in WW1 and WW2. The U.K. and U.S.A. have been good allies for a long time.

5. How do there government systems compare?

U.K. has a constitution which is almost the same to the U.S. But their government differs from other Middle Eastern countries.

6. What Major Military treaties other then the Treaty of Versailles?

Treaties about WW1 and WW2. Also U.K. NATO treaties that they signed.

7. Is your country currently recognized by the United Nations?

Yes. Britain holds an automatic seat with the power to veto.

8. Does your country have the same economic system as any other countries? Compare to others.

They have the same economic as the U.S. and some other capitalist countries it differs from China and Russia’s socialist economic and governmental systems

Assignment 3:
Military Information of Russia

Numerical size of the army is 1.1 million.

They have nuclear weapons. They have all the common weapons for ground warfare. Their tanks are also at the same level as any other countries are. Along with their navy Russia has a big army but their gear is not of the highest quality. The Russians use the T-80 tank with reactive armor. In the air the Russians greatest weapon is the Tu-22m3 Backfire bomber. The Russians use the Nanuchka-class missile boats with SS-N-9 "Siren" in the sea.

Russia’s main rival in the simulation is the U.S.

Russia is a nuclear power and has around 5,200 nuclear weapons.

How is the country related geographically to the other?

Mongolia, China and Kazakhstan are the countries that border Russia.

Assignment 4:
1. What country(s) do you share your religion or religion with? (Applies to countries in simulation) List them.
The U.S.A.’s main religion is Christianity. They share this religion with England, France, and Canada. Christianity is the world’s largest religion with around 2.1 billion people.

2. Does your country object to any/all/some of the religions of another country? Briefly explain.
No. The U.S.A does not object to any religion. The United States stands for freedom of religion so to object to any religion would be to go against their own rules.

3. Define Shariah.
Its Islamic law.

4. What role does shariah play in your country?
Shariah plays a very small role in the U.S.A. There is a small percent of Islamic people in the United States but Shariah is not the law that prosecutes them.

5. What role does religion and state play in your government?
Religion plays no role in the United States government. Church and State are completely separate

Cinnamon Frost
Assignment 1
General Questions : United Kingdom [United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland]
What is your country’s governmental system? Provide a definition.
Constitutional monarchy and Commonwealth realm: A form of national government in which the power of the monarch (the king or queen) is restrained by a parliament, by law, or by custom. & Commonwealth: a group of sovereign states and their dependencies associated by their own choice and linked with common objectives and interests: the British Commonwealth. Realm: a royal domain; kingdom

List five important events in your country’s history since 1914.

What is your country’s economic system?

List your nation’s five largest trading partners.
US, Germany, France, China, Ireland

What is the monetary size of your domestic and foreign debt?
Foreign: $10.45 trillion (30 June 2007)
Domestic: 47.2% of GDP (2008 est.)

To which country does your country owe the most money?

What is the numerical size of your standing and reserve armed forces?
Are you a nuclear power?

List your country’s most important cultural values.
To what extent, if any, does your government control media and culture? Briefly describe.

List your country’s most important resources.

Natural Gas

List the important resources your country is lacking.
What is your country’s population?
61,113,205 (July 2009 est.)

What is your country’s main religion? What percentage of your people is this religion?
Christianity – 71.6%

List other religions, if there are any, which play an important role in your country.

What is your government’s policy towards religion and state?
They are separate.

Assignment 3
India’s Military Information
What is the numerical size of your military?
1.325 million

List your country’s weapons

Army/tanks (conventional)
Air force

List your country’s greatest rival (Pakistan's) chemical, nuclear, conventional, naval, and aeronautical capabilities.

Army (includes National Guard)
Navy (includes Marines and Maritime Security
Pakistan Air Force (Pakistan Fiza'ya)

Is your country a nuclear power? Approximately how many nuclear weapons does your country have? Provide a source (not wiki!).
Yes! 5,407,000 (http://www.nationmaster.com/country/pk-pakistan/mil-military)

How is this country related geographically to the other?
India is much larger than Pakistan.
They're neighboring countries but they despise each other.

List the countries connected to your country by land.
Pakistan, Nepal, China

Is there a territory outside of your borders that has a cultural, religious, or historical significance to you that makes your country (citizens & gov’t) feel invested in?

Assignment 4:
1. What country(s) do you share your religion or religion with? (Applies to countries in simulation) List them.
The main religions in China are Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Catholicism and Protestantism. Buddhism is certainly present in India. It has also become very popular in France. Islam is present in Russia. At least 90 percent of Iranians practice Islam.

2. Does your country object to any/all/some of the religions of another country? Briefly explain. (Attitude of gov’t)
The Chinese government supports the various religions that advocate serving the society and promoting people's well-being.

3. Define Shariah.
Shariah is the code of law derived from the Koran and from the teachings and example of Mohammed; "sharia is only applicable to Muslims"; "under Islamic law there is no separation of church and state"

4. What role does shariah play in your country?
It doesn’t.

5. What role does religion and state play in your government?
The Chinese government believes in Respecting and protecting freedom of religious belief.

Adam Greitzer
Assignment #1:I. General Questions : Country

What is you country’s governmental system?

The United Kingdom in a constitutional monarchy, meaning that the monarch heads the state and the prime minister is the head of the government.

List five important events in you country’s history since 1914

1918: Parliamentary act
1946: National insurance act passed
1979: UK
experienced the winter of discontent
1979: the New Conservative Government
was instated under Margret Thatcher
1992: UK signs the Maastricht Treaty on
the European Union

What is you country’s economic system?
The United Kingdom is one of the top five trillion dollar economies of Western Europe. By remaining a leading trading power and financial center, the government has greatly reduced public ownership and contained the growth of social welfare programs. Services, particularly banking, insurance, and business services, account by far for the largest proportion of GDP while industry continues to decline in importance.

List your nations’ five largest trading partners.

United States

What is the monetary size of you domestic and foreign debt?
The United Kingdom’s totally domestic and foreign debt is 10.45 trillion dollars.

To which country does you country owe the most money?
The United Kingdom owes the United States the most money.

What is the numerical size of your standing and reserve armed forces?
The United Kingdom’s standing and reserve armed forces totals approximately males age 16-49: 12,123,900 and females age 16-49: 11,616,769.

Are you a nuclear power?
Yes, the United Kingdom is a nuclear power.

List you country’s most important cultural values.
The rule of law. society is based on the idea that everyone abides by the same rules, regardless of or status.
The sovereignty of the Crown in Parliament. The Lords, the Commons and the monarch constitute the supreme authority in the land. There is no appeal to any higher jurisdiction, spiritual or temporal.
The pluralist state. Equality before the law implies that no one should be treated differently on the basis of belonging to a particular group.
Personal freedom. There should be a presumption, against state coercion. Diversity should be tolerated
Private property. Freedom must include the freedom to buy and sell without fear of confiscation, to transfer ownership, to sign contracts and have them enforced.
Institutions. British freedom and British character are immanent in British institutions. free individuals should regulate each other's conduct.
The family. Stable families are the essential ingredient of a stable society.
History. British children inherit a political culture, a set of specific legal rights and obligations, and a stupendous series of national achievements.

To what extent, if any, does you government control media and culture? Briefly describe
While the UK government does exercise mild forms of control over the media and culture (censorship ect.), the imposed restrictions are not severe. Institutions of censorship exist solely for the purpose of ensuring a medium’s suitability for its general audience.

List you country’s most important resources.

natural gas

List the important resources that you country is lacking. . i.e. What does it need to import a greater deal of?

manufactured goods

What is your country’s population?
The population of the UK is 61,113,205.

What is your country’s main religion? What percentage of you people are this religion?
The United Kingdom’s main religion is Christianity (Anglican, Roman Catholic, Presbyterian, Methodist). Approximately 71.6% of the population is considered Christian.

List other religions, if there are any, which play an important role in your country?
Muslim 2.7%,
Hindu 1%,
Other 1.6%

What is you government’s policy towards religion and state?
The UK has a majority of Christians, and the government still carries a bond between church and state.

Assignment #2:
1. List 5 historical ties since 1914 between the countries.
US and China: In 1955, a Mutual Defense Treaty.
In 1971, US and China signed the Ping Pong Treaty that allowed American Athletes to tour China.
In 2001, US Trade and Defense Agency was unsuspended by President Clinton
US and Iran: In 1955, established Central Treaty Organization.

2. List the significant wars fought directly or indirectly between the countries.
US and China: China and America took opposing sides during the Vietnam War. They fought directly against each other during the Korean War.

US and Iran: 1987 – Operation Nimble Archer. 1988 – Operation Praying Mantis.

3. Do the countries have any significant religious disagreements that reach back through the centuries?
US and China: No religious disagreements – just cultural based human rights disagreements.

US and Iran: Yes. A predominance of Iranians is Muslims, with a number of radical sectors. Iranians have disagreed with Americans on issues ranging from women’s rights to Judaism.

4. Historically, have the relationships been amicable, hostile or neutral?
US and China: The relationship between the US and China has been that of two superpowers trying to not engage in a disastrous war. The countries have disagreed in the past, especially with Human Rights and political freedoms, but China is too powerful to be told what to do by the US. For the most part, their relationship has been a combination of hostility and neutrality, because although they couldn’t act on such feelings, resentment was present.

US and Iran: Historically, the relationship between the US and Iran has been rather hostile. There has always been a great deal of hatred between the two countries due to their polar-opposite human rights beliefs, which has always made them enemies. The countries rarely agree, and have rarely made an attempt to become neutral.

How is your country related politically to the other?

5. How do their government systems compare?
China: The United States is a democracy and China is a communist state.
Iran: The United States is a democracy and Iran is a theocratic republic.

6. What major military and political treaties does you country share with the other countries since the Treaty of Versailles?
1955: Defense Treaty Between the United States of America and the Republic of China
1979: Joint Communiqué on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations
1979: Taiwan Relations Act
1955: Central Treaty Organization, mutual defense treaty between the United States and the Middle East
1981: Iran-United States - Claims tribunal
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, Both the United States and Iran are participants
Iran Freedom and Support Act

7. Is your country currently recognized by the United Nations?
China: Yes, (Recognized as the Republic of China)
Iran: Yes, (Recognized as the Islamic Republic of Iran)
The United States: Yes.

8. Does your country share the same type of economic system as the two countries you are asked to compare? What is this type of economy? If they are different economies what is the difference between the two?
China: China and the United States do not share the same type of economic system. The economic system practiced in the US is capitalistic. The system practiced in China, while “reforming”, is heavily socialistic and is greatly dependent on the ideas of state run big business and government regulated pricing.
Iran: Iran and the United States do not share the same type of economic system. The US system is based on the idea of capitalism, while the Iranian economy is a highly state-regulated, oil-dependent and inefficient system

Assignment #3:
Israel MilitaryYour country's military information
1) What is the numerical size of your military?
3, 353,000 people available for military serve
2) List your country's weapons.
Chemical, nuclear, conventional, naval, aeronautical, manpower, intelligence.List your country's greatest rival(s).Greatest Rival: The Middle East and other muslim nations.
3) Is your country a nuclear power? How many nuclear weapons does your country have?
There are an unknown number of nuclear bombs in Israel, though it is an open secret that Israel has them. (source: http://www.fas.org/nuke/guide/israel/nuke/ )

How is this country related geographically to the others?
4) List the countries connected to your country by land.
Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt.
5) Is there a territory outside your country's borders that has a significance that makes your country feel invested in?
United States

Assignment #4
What country(s) do you share your religion(s) with?
Muslim: Pakistan, India, Israel

Does your country object to any, all, or some religions of another country?
Not exactly; It just doesn’t have a large percentage of anything other than Islam.

Define Sharia.
Sharia is the body of Islamic religious law. The term means "way" or "path to the water source"; it is the legal framework within which the public and private aspects of life are regulated for those living in a legal system based on figh (Islamic principles of jurisprudence) and for Muslim living outside the domain. Sharia deals with many aspects of day-to-day life, including politics, economics, banking, business, contracts, family, sexuality, hygiene and social issues.

What role does Sharia play in your country?
Since nearly all of the population is Muslim, Sharia plays a huge role in the country for it is that which the Muslims follow the teachings of.

What is the role of religion and state in your country?
Iran has no separation of church and state. All leaders are Muslim, and the state is that of a religious state.